Aktion Hoffnung
Catholic Workers Movement Uganda
Aug 24
National workshop on all applications of the fully revised Raiffeisen-SLA Network’s monitoring system developed earlier; lessons on how to efficiently analyse each SLAs’ performance reading it off the graphs of key performance indicators over time.
Training of national coordinator in
efficiently reviewing all tools monthly delivered.
Weltnotwerk der KAB
Catholic Workers Movement Uganda
Nov 19 - today
Enhancement of CWM Uganda’s three-level Raiffeisen-SLA Network’s monitoring system on primary level
through digital ledgers running
on members’ own smartphones. The ledgers are provided with fully automated audit
functionalities and financial statements. Complete automation of the
regional aggregation & performance monitoring tool. See Publication
2020 and More…
On-line training of the digital ledgers trough webinars and reviews
of tools delivered
Institute for sustainable
3x per year Oct19 – Aug23
course unit for International Project Management (IPM): ”Empowerment of communities through
microfinance and hands-on tools”
Lembaga Pendamping Usaha Buruh Tani dan Nelayan
Bildung und
Gesundheit für Indonesien
- Feb19
on the three modules of a three-level Raiffeisen-SLA
federation: the Raiffeisen-savings- and loan association method; basic business
financial-planning; the internal audit, monitoring & evaluation system
for remote, continuous supervision and support of the Raiffeisen-SLAs More...
German Cooperative and Raiffeisen Confederation
Catholic Workers Movement Uganda (CWM)
Co-operative Alliance
Aug 12
- Jun 19
On- & off-site
with the partners establishment of a 3-level network of savings- and loan
associations (SLAs) within their country-wide operating social & church
association. The unique “Raiffeisen-SLA Network” is based on three pillars:
A rigorous 3-level SLA recording, audit & performance monitoring
system; a practical tool for business financial-planning; and linkage-banking. See Publications
2012, Media
2013 & 2016 and More
to strengthen the twelve diocesan support teams concerning time-, task-,
voluntary team- and human resource management.
Oct 15
- Jun 19
On- & off-site
Uganda, partner:
Assisted the
Ugandan Cooperative Alliance to
establish an Advisory Services Centre
offering UCA’s members sustainable support through innovative course
modules and hands-on tools for good governance, business
financial-planning, savings & loan portfolio management (-> MFIs) as
well as planning and management of the flows of agricultural produce &
cash (-> agricultural cooperatives). Educated a network of trainers. See Publications 2016/17/18
MSME Investment Fund for Sub-Saharan Africa, TA Facility
Oct 13
- May
As part of consultancy services
in Financial and Risk Management, implementation of the Risk and Liquidity Management Tool
(RLMT), developed over the last four years, at a Ugandan MDI. Off-site
review of its application. Workshops on the tool’s concepts and
applications in particular regarding Portfolio & Performance Analysis.
Apr 15
- Jul 15
Implementation of the Risk
and Liquidity Management Tool (RLMT), developed over the last five
years, at a large Nigerian MFI. Development of a Projection Model for a 5-year business plan based on this MFI’s
standardized and thus properly scalable set up of branches, areas,
divisions and regions. More...
German Cooperative and Raiffeisen Confederation
Nov - Dec 12
+ Apr 13
Application of the
Liquidity Management Tool to the Ukrainian United Credit Union association
(UOKS) and one of its members in Ternopil More...
Business & Finance
Apr 10
- Jun 10
in all countries
Development of the first version
of a quantitative management tool for dynamically
forecasting liquidity in a “business-as usual” environment as well as
during a liquidity crisis More...
Mountains of the Moon University
Jan 10
- Mar 10
Support in the development of a bachelor degree
in “Banking and Development Finance“ at Mountains of the Moon
University More...
Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
May 08
- Jun 08
Operational Efficiency and Loan Pricing of the People’s
Credit Banks in Indonesia (BPR) - Assessment and Recommendations. See Publications
Jun08 and More…
Oct 08
- Nov 08
Follow up on Jun08 recommendations: On-site
tests of a first version of an efficiency,
outreach and pricing model & tool built for the BPRs. See Publications
Dec08 and More...
Jan 09
- Mar 09
Development of a user-friendly version of the
tool built upon an extension of the underlying model. Introduction of tool
for pilot testing at a workshop with a larger group of Bank Perkreditan Rakyat (BPR) More...
May 09
- Jun 09
Validation of the efficiency, outreach and pricing
tool; Socialisation of its concepts to Bank Indonesia’s Directorate of
Credit, BPR and MSME; Piloting of training approach with additional BPRs in
West Sumatra More...
Aug 09
- Sep 09
Finalisation of the quantitative management tool SIAP -Simulasi
BPR; Fine-tuning of training material; Training of local trainers More...
Nov 10
- Dec 10
Establishing of version 2.0 of SIAP-Simulasi
BPR, to adjust it to the new accounting standard which had been
enhanced with the standardized risk
and costs based loan product classes used in SIAP and recommended to BI
in 2008. See Publications
Dec10 and More...
Apr 11
Development of additional training material on the
Loan Pricing and Portfolio Planning Tool SIAP-Simulasi BPR tailored to the
specific needs of Bank Indonesia’s supervisors
when using the tool from their point of view.
European Fund
for Southeast Europe
Sep 07
SEE / Frankfurt
Development of a methodology to measure structured risk within the
given risk management of EFSE; Review of risk ratios of the fund against
different types of structuring
Nov 07
SEE / Frankfurt
Development of a market driven pricing model prototype for loans
provided by EFSE
Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
Sep 08
China / Frankfurt
Financial modelling for establishment of the business
plan for Renshou Village and Township Bank Pilot
in Sichuan, China
Apr 94
Predecessors of Hofokam: Women’s savings clubs, revolving funds,
farmer cooperatives, small credit unions; Field studies in the
rural West of Uganda with the goal to establish a financial network of
small saving & loan societies based on Raiffeisen’s
principles. More...
Oct 05
Development of a simple planning model & tool for the
institution to reach operational self-sufficiency (OSS) More...
Dec 06
Extension of the model developed earlier for the institution into a strategic planning tool to optimise
efficiency across all of its branches and loan products; Training of
loan officer’s supervisors in cash flow analysis; Visiting of clients to
check validity of training concept
Aug 07
Development of a prototype for a performance model for loan officers
built on an extension of their activities planning reports More...
Feb 08
- Mar 08
Finalisation and linkage of performance & strategic planning
models developed earlier for the institution; Implementation in 2 branches;