International Finance Development








About IFD












Projects > May-Jun09

This project took place in three phases:

1.      Validation of the efficiency, outreach and pricing model and tool regarding

a.      the completeness of the parameters set up for BPR’s projections of their business

b.      the user-friendliness of the tool

2.      Socialisation of its concepts to Bank Indonesia’s Directorate of Credit for BPR and MSME

3.      Piloting of the general training approach with additional BPRs in West Sumatra

Phase 1

The seven Bank Perkreditan Rakyat who had attended the introductory workshop of the efficiency, outreach and pricing tool in March 09 applied it on their own to their respective end of March data trying amongst others if they could project a realistic business plan with the tool. The developer reviewed their work and a lively interchange of mutual feedback between these BPRs, the developer and GTZ-ProFI took place. Based on this the developer further enhanced the tool.

Then the participants of this pilot group met again. At this time the tool’s indicators that measure how much a BPR has achieved yet regarding its corporate mission to be a profitable and efficient Community Bank were discussed in more depth and agreements on reasonable benchmarks were found.

Phase 2

Representatives of various teams of Bank Indonesia’s Directorate of Credit for BPR and MSME got acquainted with the concepts and applications of the tool.

The Information, Documentation and Administration team highlighted to the other teams the earlier suggested and already agreed on future enhancement of BI’s supervisory system with the classification of all loans into standardized risk and cost based product classes.

Phase 3

Bank Nagari, the local development bank in West Sumatera, who functions as an APEX for fifty five BPRs in this area had asked GTZ-ProFI to provide the next workshop for ten out of these People’s Credit Banks.

Employees of Bank Nagari’s micro banking division had already assisted in the earlier research on the topic of efficiency, outreach and loan pricing involving BPRs in West Sumatera. GTZ-ProFI invited to this workshop the first potential local trainers. In this way the training could simultaneously be used for preparations for the general training approach regarding concepts and applications of the tool.